Alhamdulillah bersyukur ke hadrat Allah Taala kerna dgn keizinanNya kita sempat melalui ibadah korban yg sememangnya memberi pengajaran yg amat bermakna buat diri sebagai seorang muslim…We are very glad to be a muslim as Allah always with us….helping us all the way through…
Mmm…kalau kita lihat…Pengorbanan yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi ibrahim & Nabi ismail….sebenarnya membuktikan bahawa dari ketaatan pada Allah Al-Khaliq barulah akan lahirkan kesanggupan untuk berkorban..Practically in our daily life, if we didn’t trust somebody totally we are not willing to sacrifice for him. Therefore, when a Muslim receives a command from Allah actually he @ she should obey without asking why…This actually what happen to Prophet Ibrahim alaihissalam. Apparently, there is no reason why a father should slaughter his innocent son. But when came the command from Allah, he never ever asked about the reason…He obeys it and put all his trust to Allah and believes there is hikmah behind this scene…
Mungkin tanpa kita sedari kita melalui saat2 itu tanpa kita merasai hikmah dan pengajaran yg tersembunyi…aduhai alangkah ruginya diri ini..mungkin juga kita lebih menantikan saat lebaran aidil fitri berbanding aidil adha yg saban tahun kita sambuti…Walaubagaimanapun tanya diri adakah iman ku bertambah atau berkurang pada hari ini…kita juga sedia maklum iman itu yazid wa yankus…
One of my best friends has said
STRONGLY HOLD it...whatever condition you face.. Hold this word tightly..Cry if you want to cry. ..cry to HIM..Tell whatever you want HIM to Hear..But, still, do Hold this word.. "PUT YOUR ONLY TRUST ONLY TO HIM.."Then, insya-allah..The frustration would smoothly moves from your heart..Because my dear guys.. if you lay your HOPE only to HIM.... seriously.. without any DOUBT..or time, you won't ever-ever frustated again...
Thank yOu Alah coz you has sent a friend that can always remind me about you. Regarding on my condition now, far from family n my beloved country & frenz over there…this words is really precious for me….
So, lastly keep thinking on His creations and incidents occurring around us wherever we are …Hopefully, our iman & trust will increase to Him…If we always remember Him, He will remember us…
Bersihkan hati ini Ya Allah..Aku juga pernah tertipu dengan keindahan dunia...sinarkan la hidayah-Mu kepadaku....
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
1 day ago
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