Friday, March 30, 2007

moic:last session

~MOIC 07~

...Allah is alwayz with us...

Time passed and it will still running and leave us behind...Therefore,2nd Model of Islamic Conference will be held next week..and today is our last session..for sure,I will miss you all..but our mission doesn't complete yet...and praise only to Allah,bcoz He the only one that can help our Ummah..Glad to be one of the members. As many other models the session of the ACs were held regularly,and the OCs continued their efforts to succeed this model..hopefully Allah bless us..Thus I hope that we are still not forgeting what has been faced by Muslims whole over the world.Thus we are not supposely to live happily pretend that nothing happen to Islam.."they " insult us..should we just stand and do nothing..??open your eyes..and play your role in the community..Dont just talk and discuss coz it doesnt not change anything..but we must do something..How dare us to allow our enemy treat us in such a terrible way..??Although the give bad expression on us,we must be patient and try harder to prove that Islam is the best way of life..We are the image of Islam..Islam is beautiful..Thus dakwah n tarbiyah will be the best solution..but Muslims, themselve must know their position n responsibility...We have to wake up from our sleepWe should do something..Innallaha ma'ana

See you guys in the conferrence

~The Only 'thing' we need is Allah~

Thursday, March 29, 2007

~peliharalah ukhwah ini~

ukhwah fillah
Ya Allah, menjelanglah kini malam ciptaan-Mu,
beredarlah sudah siang-Mu,
inilah keluhan suara dan permintaan dari hamba-Mu maka oleh itu ampunkanlah daku.
Ya Allah
Engkau Mengetahui bahawa hati-hati ini telah berkumpul kerana mengasihi-Mu,
bertemu untuk mematuhi perintah-Mu,
bersatu memikul beban dakwah-Mu,
Hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syariat-Mu,
maka eretkanlah ya Allah akan ikatannya.
Kekalkan kemesraan antara hati-hati ini.
Tunjukkanlah kepada hati-hati ini akan jalan-Mu yang sebenar.
Penuhkan hati-hati ini dengan cahaya Rabbani-Mu yang tidak kunjung malap.
Lapangkan hati-hati ini dengan limpahan iman/keyakinan dan keindahan tawakkal kepada-Mu
Hidup suburkan hati-hati ini dengan makrifat (pengetahuan sebenar) tentang-Mu.
Jika engkau mentakdirkan mati,
maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini sebagai para syuhada' dalam perjuangan agama-Mu.
Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong.
Ya Allah, perkenankanlah permintaan ini.
Ya Allah restuilah dan sejahterakanlah junjungan kami Muhammad, keluarga dan para sahabat baginda semuanya.Amin, Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


...Allah is alwayz with us...

mungkinkah senyum itu penawar duka..tika ada yg tertawa tidak semestinya pemilik hati ceria..masing2 ada kisah duka..ada masa suka dan duka..itulah lumrah kehidupan.takkan lari dari diuji..tika nilah pastinya kita perlukan lebih pergantungan terhadap yg Maha Esa..Dialah pencipta hati..Mmm,kejayaan dan kegagalan jua sentiasa melingkari kehidupan manusia..wahai diri,hidup ni ibarat roda,kau takkan selalu senang dan takkan pula Allah membiarkan hambanya gagal sekiranya dia menjaga hak dia sebagai hambaNya.Sebagai mana firman Allah:

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, ruku'lah kamu, dan sujudlah, dan sembahlah Tuhanmu dan perbuatlah kebaikan, supaya kamu mendapat kemenangan." (QS. 22:77)

Sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam ayat Allah di atas, perubahan dan kemenangan yang hakiki tidak hanya dapat dicapai dengan iman, tunduk dan ibadah kepada Allah semata tanpa direalisasikan dengan amal usaha yang nyata.Usaha itu penting..but natijah tu serah pada Allah.

"dan perbuatlah kebaikan!." Sesungguhnya kemenangan atau perubahan itu tidak akan diperoleh dengan berpangku tangan sambil berangan-angan kosong, dan tidak akan datang hanya dengan menadahkan tangan ke langit.
Kemenangan atau perubahan hanya akan datang selepas sulitnya perjalanan dan kerasnya rintangan dan tentangan.

Jadi WaHAi diri jangan bermalas-malasan..kaulah generasi harapan Islam.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sedarkah kita??

Islam itu indah Islam itu Suci...
Imbaulah masa-masa yang telah berlalu pasti akan kau temui satu zaman yang didokong oleh pahlawan Islam, pimpinan-pimpinan Islam dan orang-orang yang solleh.

Namun, setelah beberapa generasi berlalu, umat Islam diselubungi kelekaan. Akibatnya umat Islam itu ditakluki dan ditindas oleh perancangan-perancangan Yahudi dan kerajaan-kerajaan kafir.

Kekayaan mereka dirampas,
Iman menjadi lemah,
neraca kehidupannya bertukar
dan hukum al Quran dihindari.

Mereka juga mendidik keturunan orang-orang Islam dengan ideologi yang bertentangan dengan Islam dengan berbagai nama dan pakaian yang mempesonakan.

Begitulah pewaris-pewaris Fir’aun telah memperdayakan umat kita;

“Mereka saling merancang dan merangka konspirasi untuk membuat kerosakan dan mengubah masyarakat supaya menjadi sampah-sarap yang tenggelam di dalam lumpur noda dan kejahatan. Masyarakat akan sentiasa disibukkan dengan kepayahan mencari sesuap makanan. Akibatnya mereka menjadi penat dan letih sehingga mereka tiada kesedaran untuk mendengar nasihat dan petunjuk mahupun kembali kepada Deen Allah SWT.”
Fi Zilaalul Quran

Adakah kita harus selesa dengan keadaan yg menyelubungi hidup kita ini...?? Bangunlah wahai diri..bangunlah dari lena bangunlah dari mimpi...sama2 kita mara demi islam yg dicintai..tingkatkan usaha dalam bidang yg kau ceburi sekali kau gagal pasti ada kejayaan yg menanti..kalau bukan dlm akademik may be sahsiah kau terpuji..but moga mampu didik diri jadi insan yg terpuji+ dapat redha Illahi...Ameen Ya Rabb...Buat sahibah2 yg disayangi doakn ana di sini..moga sama2 kita berusaha seperti kita berada di bumi wakafan ma3...kejayaan pasti diharapkan tapi biarlah kita lalui marhalah hidup ini dengan penuh keredhaan dan sentiasa ada pergantungan..nasihat kalian ana harapkan sebagai peringatan dalam perjalanan....Moga Allah permudahkan kita semua...

Friday, March 09, 2007

tinta kembara

Tinta kembara..

Alangkah indah andainya setiap kalam,setiap budi bicara ,setiap tutur kata, mampu ku relatekan dengan Maha Pencipta.Barulah terasa bahgia dan manisnya kehidupan ini.Melihat kepada reality kehidupan dari jillul quran hingga jil skrg..Tidak dapat dinafikan setiap insan perlukan perhatian +++perhatian?perhatian dari siapa?+++dari Rabb yg Maha Penyayang dan yang menaungi arasy ini…bukannya kita perlu selalu harapkan bantuan dan perhatian dari manusia kerna bantuan mereka tidakkan kekal lama..yang pasti bagi golongan manusia yg meyakini bahawa Allah itulah yg berkuasa pasti mereka menyerahkan seluruh kehidupan pada Allah…maka bagi mereka hanya ada Allah dan Rasul sahaja..tentu bahagiakan hidup dalam situasi begini..bila segala-galanya kita serahkan pada Allah pasti jiwa takkan gelisah dan akan sentiasa tenang tak kira ombak atau badai datang melanda..tentu hati ni akan redha dgn segala-galanya..Tika inilah ku sedari betapa pentingnya tarbiyah hati..hati perlu sentiasa diproses,perlu di beri nutrient yg sesuai agar kondisinya tiada symptom yg blh menjauhkan diri dari tuhan..Hati perlu selalu di peringati..sengaja ku ulangi peringatan yg sama buat diriku yg sering leka dgn angan2 dunia..

Perjalananku masih jauh
Kemanisan menunggu ayuh
Perjuangan penuh dugaan
Namun tekadlah dlm keyakinan
Membangkitkan semangat tujuan
Mewarnakan kemanisan iman
Demi Ummah seluruh alam
Demi Islam panji kemenangan
Walaupun tiada teman
Yakinlah redha Allah dlm tangan
Tika kau keseorangan
Pasti ada yg meneman..
hakikatnya kau tak bersendirian
Andai kau ikhlaskan hati
pasti Allah berada di sisi
Membantu kau meniti
segala onak duri...

Ya Allah justeru itu kau bebanilah aku dgn sesuatu yg aku mampu...
Bahkan sesuatu yg tidak melalaikan aku dari mengingatiMu...
Malah yg memberi kekuatan untuk ku dekatiMu...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Islam & the western

This was my 1st assignment for moic~::
glad to join this group as it can keep me to think about ummah..
and can mix with the egyptians and try to change opinion among them..they are such a good frenz..


Who was Mohammad Asad?
Western prejudice towards Islam and Muslims
What can Islam offer to the world?
Is it possible for the west to turn towards Islam?
Blind imitation of west: the greatest danger for the Muslim
Islamic civilization
Andalusia – The gateway for the Islamic civilization to the west.


Without doubt, Western civilization dominates the world today. There are numerous positive qualities that this civilization has given to the human race, especially in the fields of science and technological development. For sometimes the Islamic world has been experiencing decadence which has taken hold of numerous spheres of its life. Unfortunately, it is the bitter truth that Muslims of today are lagging behind economically, scientifically, technologically, politically and educationally. What are the reasons for the decadence? Why were the Muslims, in the first centuries of Islam, so advanced and progressive? The opinion offered by Mohammad Asad, a man who embraced Islam is very interesting.

Who was Mohammad Asad

Before converting to Islam, Muhammad Asad was known as Leopold Weiss. He was born in 1900 in the city of Lwow in east Galacia, which at that time was possession of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. He comes from a very respected and learned Jewish family. In his research for the truth he converts to Islamic 1926 and changed his name to Mohammad Asad. Some of his work such as ‘The Road to Mecca’ and ‘Islam at the Crossroads’ have been translated into Bosnian and the translation and the commentary of the Quran in English entitled The message of the Quran , is considered his life work. Mohammad Asad passed away in 1992 and was buried in a small Muslim cemetery in Grenada, Spain.

Western prejudice towards Islam and Muslims

To find a truly convincing explanation of this prejudice, one has to look far back into history and try to comprehend the psychological background of the earlier relations between the Western and the Muslim world. What occidentals think and feel about Islam today is rooted in impressions that were born during the Crusades.

Is it possible for the west to turn towards Islam?

One may at all times receive new, positive influences from a foreign civilization without necessarily abandoning his own. An example was the European Renaissance. There we have seen how readily Europe accepted Arab influences in the matter and method of learning. So it has proved that west have took benefit from Islamic civilization.

Blind imitation of west: the greatest danger for the Muslim

Blind imitation of west and the aspiration to adopt Western ideas and ideals in the Islamic world have catastrophic consequence.

In order to achieve the regeneration of the world of Islam, the Muslim must
1) Before adopting any measures of reform, free themselves entirely from the spirit of apology for their religion and social structure.
2) A Muslim must live with his head held high
3) He must realize that he is distinct and different from the rest of the world and he must learn to be proud of his being different
4) Building self confidence and belief in the validity of our own cultural and civilization values-important factor overcoming Muslim decadence

Islamic civilization

*it is a civilization of balance and moderation that united science and faith
*established a balance between spirit and matter
*Islamic civilization drew man and God closer together
*Conjoined the earth with heavens, subjugated this world to the Hereafter

Andalusia – The gateway for the Islamic civilization to the west.

There is no doubt that the Muslim played a great role in the development of world civilizations. Today every the world are benefiting from the numerous achievements of Arab civilization
As we can see from history, Andalusia owing to its universities and the enthusiasm for learning which was shaped by the scholars and was the part of the Islamic world which had a decisive role in the transmittal of the heritage of the Arab-Islamic civilization to the west

Comment by some of the European Researchers on the role of Andalusia played in the European Renaissance:::

1) Prof Albendet Nehru when describing Arab scientist, he said,” They are truly the founder of modern science”

2) In the work Legacy of Islam, a group of authors orientalists say the following:
“It is known for a fact that, while Europe was staggering under a heap of misfortunes and the material and spiritual neglect, while the Muslim of Andalusia were building a brilliant civilization and economically well-organized life.


As Muslim our mentality must be focusing on Allah, belief and trust only to Allah because our destiny was in His hand. What ever other nation do just be patient and try to treat them in a good way. try to develop a natural .Muhammad Asad himself try to describe the phenomenon that occur around the Muslim because majority of Muslim still didn’t realize their condition and what they are really facing right now. So we have to improved ourselves and still develop a good communication with the west in order to build a harmony relationship and prevent any misunderstood between two nation.

Safwat M. Halilovic, Islam and the western from Asad’s point of view, first edition,2005