Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tag From Zul

Tag from Zul
How to play..
1) Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2) Go to the 11th folder of photos.
3) Go to the 11th picture in the folder.
4) Put the picture in your blog and and description of it.
5) Invite eleven friends to join the challenge

~This pic was been editted by Mr.Pro for the event~

::Night of Appreciation 2007::

~I totally didnt attend dis night even my soul~

Why?? ^-^ Nobody knows even me~confius

Majlis ni diadakan sebagai tanda penghargaan dari GEN 6 kepada para professor especially Dr Nadia yang telah banyak bersusah payah mengurus perjalanan akademik kami selaku batch pertama Malaysia yang datang ibarat tsunami. Ada persembahan nasyid, Lucky draw & main tentatif adalah makan. Akhirnya terlepas peluang menerima hadiah cabutan bertuah kerana daku tak hadir. Siapa suruh tak attend. :) tak de rezeki..

++Hargailah masa muda kalian~usah di siakan++

ps:: Tak berhajat nak tag sesiapa~memenuhi hajat adik seakidah di Jordan :) so I break the fifth rule~Afwan ukhti~


almuhsineen said...

syukran kak sha!
harap dpt jumpa akak lg
kt mesir ke...
mane tau kan?heee
x pon kt msia nanti :)
insya allah
kalo ada rezeki

sinar_islami said...

InsyaAllah, biiznillah kita jumpa lagi..
Jumpa kat mesir pula la kan ^-^
Blk msia ahlan ke umah ana pla